Meet the e-scooter event in Liverpool
Monday 20 June 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Liverpool Combined authority Headquarters, Mann Island, L3 1BP
Blind and partially sighted Liverpool residents are invited to a public event to discuss e-scooter safety and learn more about the safety mechanisms adopted by Voi on 20 June (2pm – 4 pm) at Liverpool Combined authority Headquarters, Mann Island, L3 1BP.
Merseyside Sight Loss Council, which advocates for the needs of blind people in the city and Voi, the e-scooter operator running the rental trials in the city, have partnered for the event on Wednesday 20 June.
The event at Liverpool Combined authority Headquarters, from 2 pm is designed to allow blind and partially sighted people to get up close to explore what an e-scooter looks and feels like.
The introduction of e-scooter trials has raised concerns amongst visually impaired pedestrians – namely, that e-scooters are too fast and operate almost silently.
Voi has responded to the concerns of blind and partially sighted people by developing new safety messaging for riders and exploring options for an acoustic vehicle alert system.
Kelly Barton Engagement Manager for the Merseyside Sight Loss Council said:
“We are grateful to Voi for listening to our concerns and recognising our shared focus in designing practical solutions to the problems our members face. This event will give blind and partially sighted people in Merseyside the opportunity to get up and close with e-scooters and ask questions to Voi and local officers around enforcement of safe use of e-scooters.”
Naomi Ditchfield SLC member for Merseyside said:
“As a guide dog owner, encountering e-scooters just left on the pavement can be frightening for both me and my dog. They are extremely heavy and I am very concerned about them falling on me.”
Merseyside Sight Loss Council is part of a network of councils across the country working to influence positive change. Sight Loss Councils’ #StreetsForAll campaign is calling for a change in government guidance to include:
- Mandatory on-road parking bays for e-scooters
- A reduction to the 15.5mph speed limit
- The installation of sound-emitting devices
- Geotagging to prevent pavement use
Learn more about the campaign, here:
If you have any questions about this event, you can get in touch with Kelly Barton on 07508 958 938 or email