National Eye Health Week 2019
Every year around the end of September, National Eye Health Week brings together a range of organisations across the sight loss sector with the collective aim of raising awareness of the importance of good eye health. This is a good opportunity to highlight certain eye conditions and the impact these can have on an individual’s daily life.
Below is a collection of our favourite messages and links from National Eye Health Week 2019.
There are more than a million people in the UK living with avoidable sight loss severe enough to have a significant impact on their daily lives – leaving them unable to do things such as drive.
Eye Health UK, the charity responsible for running National Eye Health Week, has teamed up with the NHS and West Midlands Local Eye Health Network to produce a video animation to help people look after their eyes.
The video highlights how your lifestyle can affect your eye health and why regular sight tests are important for us all.
Specsavers teams up with celebrities Ian Wright and Stephen Fry for their ‘Don’t Lose the Picture” Campaign
In this video, Ian Wright is attempting to describe a painting as the camera pans to reveal the Mona Lisa.
Vision Matters Resources
Here are a couple of great resources from Vision Matters
Did you know 50% of sight loss is avoidable? Are you putting your eyes at risk?
Answer some quick questions for find out if you could be doing more to keep your eyes and vision healthy.
This unique e-vision simulator allows you to experience the whole website through the eyes of someone affected by sight loss.
Publication date: 15 October 2020