Top Tips for Retail video transcript
Hi, so today at the Arndale event, we are sharing our Top Tips for Retailers resource.
It’s in a draft format at the moment but we hope to be able to send out a resource for retailers. This is so that they can take a quick scan of bullet points that explain how to approach the retail experience for blind and partially sighted customers. So, step by step will be the conversations they would have to go through when assisting a blind or partially sighted customer.
We’re aiming for this resource to be quite short. Something that retailers can hold in their hand. Maybe it can be on their desk, included in training packs and a place where they can go and do some more research in their own time, if needed.
We’ve been getting a lot of great feedback today and it’s quick and concise, and informative.
Please note: This is a transcription for our video Top Tips for Retailers